
Below is a guest post from someone who is very special to me.  It was my wife, Karen H. Rice-Scott, who got me into this blogging thing.  Her contribution to this space fits in nicely with the overall theme of this page. You can also look for her wit and wisdom in her own space, The Kreative Corner.   I hope you enjoy it..for it will not be the last time you see her contributing here.


Welcome to a new feature on the Kreative Corner.  This series will feature things we encounter in our human experience that cause us to stop and say, “Wait..What?!”

Today, we take a look at “dumb laws” courtesy of http://www.dumblaws.com.

Yes, your hard-earned tax dollars at work to have these laws written and passed.

In the state of Alabama, “it is illegal to be blindfolded while operating a vehicle.  (see the full statute here}

Let’s say ot together:  Wait…What?!  Why was paper wasted when clearly this is common sense.

Would you trust a blindfolded driver to transport you to your destination?

Comment below.

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